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Herboo - Tomato 'Marmande' seeds

Herboo set of tomato 'Marmande' seeds: grow delicious beefsteak tomatoes you'll just keep going back for – and there will be many. Clearly the success behind French cooking, these rich sweet flavour fruits will remind you of summers well spent in the French sun.
  • Beefsteak variety with rich, delicious flesh.
  • Thrives in the summer heat which makes it low maintenance. 
  • Known to bear many fruits throughout the summer.

30 seeds. 

Herboo is all about making a garden, anywhere. Whatever your age, your space, whether you are growing indoors, a window box, terrace or garden beds. Herboo choose plant varieties thinking about growing in the city and provide all the information and support you need to grow with ease. Shop beautifully packaged seeds and growing kits that make wonderful gifts.